What Does Start-Stop Technology Mean?

We focus on saving money and our cars are usually a big expense. As a result, car companies are always trying to help drivers save a bit of fuel. There are a lot of small features put into cars these days, and some of them are even designed specifically around saving you money in the long run.

A lot of the fuel savings come from improved engines. If an engine burns fuel more efficiently, then that means less fuel is being wasted. One of the most revolutionary features to come out recently is start-stop technology. This can help save fuel, but how exactly does it work?

How Does Start-Stop Technology Work?

Most people think that starting a car burns more fuel than idling it, but that’s not actually true. When an engine has hit its optimal temperature, it doesn’t burn more fuel while idling or use up more to start itself. This doesn’t mean that idling is good for your engine, that’s where start-stop technology comes in.

It works by having the engine computer cut off fuel while you’re idling. As soon as the foot comes off of the pedal, the engine kicks back on. This helps prevent too much fuel from being wasted while you are idling. It’s the quickest and easiest way for a car to save fuel and save you money in the long run. You can find this feature in a lot of newer cars.

How to Lower Your Emissions

Used Cars For Sale Near Palisade, CO

Carville’s Auto Mart has a wide range of used cars for sale, so stop by and find your next car. If you have any questions in the meantime, then give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to help however we can.