Where can I get a car wash in Grand Junction?

Best car washes in Grand Junction CO 

“Look good, feel good” isn’t just a phrase – it’s a proven fact that’s sure to brighten up any day. This extends through every part of your life, from the house you live in to the cars that you drive. That’s why you’re sure to see so many people at your local car wash, shining up their models in preparation for the road ahead. If you need to get your vehicle cleaned up and looking fresh, head out for some of the best car washes in Grand Junction CO! Read the rest of this entry >>

How do you raise your credit score? 

Steps you can take to improve your credit score for a car loan 

Credit scores are basically adult GPAs; not only do they measure how well you manage your finances, but they also serve as an effective barometer of your trustworthiness as it relates to paying loans and accounts on time. That’s why it’s so important to have a score ranging from “Good” to “Excellent” if you want the best price possible for your next vehicle. So, we want to help you out – join Carville’s Auto Mart today as we present you with some helpful steps you can take to improve your credit score for a car loan! Read the rest of this entry >>

How to change your vehicle’s oil

Plenty of fluids are essential for the upkeep of your current model, but all in all, oil is the true lifeblood of your engine and drivetrain. It helps to keep all your moving parts lubricated and working properly in all conditions, which is why it’s so important to make sure that you have fresh and functional oil reserves inside your model at all times. Oil changes at a service center can get costly though, so if you’re looking to conduct a little Do-It-Yourself project, our Carville’s Auto Mart team will show you how to change your vehicle’s oil today; have fun and be safe!   Read the rest of this entry >>

Most common signs that your vehicle’s thermostat is failing

It’s winter again in Grand Junction, and it’s right about now that we’re lucky to have vehicles outfitted with heating technology inside – having a functional heater can make a world of difference during frigid mornings when you need a comfortable ride to work. Still, like any other mechanical component, your model’s heating system can start to wear out and lose effectiveness over time. Especially in the winter months, this can spell trouble, so today we’ll show you the most common signs that your thermostat is failing. With this information handy, it’ll be easier to know when you should get it repaired! Read the rest of this entry >>

How to replace and change a dead car battery

If your used model is getting up there in age, or if it’s been exposed to harsher weather than usual, you might notice that your battery power and performance is starting to diminish a bit. Though you can usually fix this problem with a simple jump, you might find that there are other times when your battery is totally dead, unable to keep a charge. When this happens, the next course of action you should take is to replace it completely, and we want to help you achieve this – join Carville’s Auto Mart today as we show you how to replace and change a dead car battery. Read the rest of this entry >>

What do the colors on road signs signify?

Highway road sign colors and their meanings

Happy 2019, everybody! With the new year comes new opportunities to go and explore our area, as Colorado certainly has no shortage of fun and excitement to go around. On your next road trip, you might see some different sign colors scattered about the highway, and if you’re anything like us, we’ll bet that you’ve wondered what they all denote. So, we’ll show you today – let Carville’s Auto Mart be your co-pilot as we show you the most common highway road sign colors and their meanings! Read the rest of this entry >>