Should I Change My Air Filter Before Spring?

Have you ever stepped into your car and noticed a funky smell? Most people are pretty sensitive to smells and can tell when something is off. Dusty, moldy, or musky smells really stand out when they start showing up in your car. 

Some of the smells can be signs of serious danger, but others are remedied with a much simpler solution. One of the easiest things to check if your cabin is full of strange smells is your cabin air filter. When is the last time you changed your cabin air filter? It’s probably time to think about making a change. 

When to Change Your Air Filter 

Most people probably take their cabin air filter for granted. It’s not something that is easily seen when you are looking over your car. The cabin air filter doesn’t seem like a vital part of your car, but it does a few very important things. One of the most important things it does is keep different pollen and allergens outside of your car. A clean air filter also helps keep your cabin feeling and smelling clean. 

When the cabin air filter gets dirty, your car might smell a bit off. A clean air filter is especially important as we move into spring. Pollen will be filling the air soon, so being ready for it is important. The air filter should be replaced every 15-30,000 miles. If you drive in dusty or smoky conditions often, then you might need to change your filter more often.  

Easy Ways to Change Your Oil

Pre-Owned Cars for Sale in Grand Junction, CO 

You can find plenty of great pre-owned vehicles at Carville’s Auto Mart if you need to upgrade your car. If you have any questions, then please give us a call and we’ll be more than happy to help however we can.